Where do snakes live? Do more snakes live in urban areas, or wild areas?

Most types of snakes are highly adaptable to varied living conditions. However, some species can only survive in regions with specific weather and climatic conditions, while others do best in undisturbed places without human activity or development. Usually, the exact place where a snake will live has adequate food and enough spots to hide or hibernate during the cold winter season. It is essential to know that snakes find it easy to live in rural and urban areas depending on the species. The Indigo species, for instance, can only be found in bushy or wild places, while a Black Racer snake can be found even in urban locations. Let's delve deeper!

Urban areas
With the ever-increasing human population, there's a sheer demand for housing, leading to encroachment of most wild animals' natural habitat. This has led to a never ending human-wildlife conflict as many wildlife creatures continue to invade most urban households. Since human developments tend to interfere with the natural environment of snakes, they slither away to locations that are more conducive for their survival. As such, the snake population in most urban areas remains low as many snakes are killed, and others relocated. However, not all species leave urban spaces. Therefore, it's no surprise to find a snake in a large, modern building or even within your own property unless you've snake-proved it. Basements and sewers invaded by rodents such as mice and rats offer excellent conditions for some snake species to thrive in many urban areas.

Wild areas
Most snake species prefer living in wild areas. After all, it's their natural home. When you get to the wild, you're more likely to find the larger species like pythons in forests than urban regions. In the wild areas, they have better access to prey, and there is little disturbance from humans. Some snakes prefer living on the ground while others live in trees.

In most suburbs, residents have larger lawns and gardens compared to town and city dwellers. Therefore, if the yards are not properly maintained, they can form a perfect breeding spot for snakes and other dangerous wild animals.

Desert and rocky conditions
You will, without a doubt, find snakes in deserts, especially the venomous types. These species are well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the desert. Some are also found in places with plenty of rocks. Rocks are excellent hiding places for snakes.

Swampy areas
Some species thrive in swampy locations, where they have access to fish and frogs for food. Moccasins, which are venomous, are a good example of species that are found in swamps.

Rural farms
Farms in the countryside often have snake problems, especially if they are not keen on maintaining their hedges, bushes, and lawns. If a farm has rodents, snakes are very likely to live there. You can also find them in barns or even piles of wood or sawdust. Egg-eating snakes can also be found around chicken coops. These species consume fresh eggs, so you can reduce the chances of their survival by collecting your eggs as soon as the chickens lay them. Having no access to fresh eggs will naturally drive these species away.

NOTE: If you are terrified of snakes, you should research them before buying any property because some regions are more prone to snake infestations than others. After doing your due diligence, you should remain aware that these reptiles can be found in any town, city, county, or state as long as they can access food, water, and good hiding spots.

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